In may 2023, CYMTV delivered all streaming technology for HighScope’s 2023 Annual Conference in Ypsilanti, Michigan.
The event took place at the Eagle Crest Golf Resort in Ypsilanti, near Detroit. Two rooms were picked from which all session were streamed live over the internet.
HighScope used the Whova platform for ticket and attendence management. CYMTV integrated the live streams in Whova, using the CDN77 platform to guarantee stream delivery in multiple qualities and over the worldwide network of CDN servers – making sure anybody anywhere, with any bandwidth speed was available to attend the event virtually.
Moderators in the rooms managed the virtual attendees in a live chatroom.
Besides the video feed from the rooms, CYMTV also provided technology to capture the different speakers’ laptop output, so that besides being shown on the projector in the physical room, their presentations were also clearly visible in the virtual rooms.
For the filming, two PTZ camera’s with 30x optical zoom were set up in addition to a mobile camera (using a standard iPhone camera) with a Gimble – for ultimate picture stability.